Courses / MOOC
Massive Open Online Courses
- Coursera — online courses from universities and organizations
- edX — online courses from universities and organizations
- Study Hall — how to college, fast guides to degrees, online courses
- Crash Course — Crash course to many topics
- Khan Academy — online videos on mostly math and science topics
- MIT OpenCourseWare — MIT courses, degree level
Other places to look at
- Open university
- Library
- Wikipedia
- YouTube
- Nikita Voloboev's Wiki (sadly some are behind a paywall now, luckily can still see them in the GitHub repo)
- Learn Anything (GitHub)
- Second Brain |
- This Wiki :)
- LPT: what are some free skills to learn during free time?
- Best MOOCs by HackerNews Users | GitHub @Tuccinator
- 600 free online courses from 190 Universities | Quartz
- Main categories: Programming, engineering, computer science, social sciences, science, art & design, mathematics, humanities, business, health & medicine, data science, education & teaching, personal development
- The best tacit knowledge videos on every subject | LessWrong
- Tacit knowledge: can't be properly transmitted via verbal or written instruction
- E.g. woodworking, housekeeping