How human behaves.
- Learning — how human learn and what does knowledge mean
- Cognitive Bias | The Decision Lab — A
collection of explanations for 100+ cognitive biases
- Less dense and simpler: A list of 8 common cognitive biases | Very well mind
- Similarly, list of cognitive biases | Wikipedia
- Games are problems people pay to solve
- The philosophy of games, why games are attractive and why games exist
- Why do we need problems to solve? A safe environment to practice
- What do we want? Self-determination theory (autonomy, competence, relatedness)
- Players look for surprising feedback. Great games create a safe environment to practice and give a sense of winning regularly
- Have Attention Spans Been Declining
- A meta-analysis of the available studies on attention span
- Metrics to measure attention span and existing literature we have
- There is no convincing evidence yet. The author gave what could an ideal study be like
- What The Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything | Veritasium
- Axelord's tournament: tit-for-tat, repeat the last move
- Nice: do not start retaliation first
- Forgiving: do not keep defecting, be nice after the other cooperates
- Retaliatory: strike back immediately, do not push over
- Be clear: simple strategy, easy to cooperate, establish pattern of trust
- Strategies evolves, and they can change the environment they play in because the game is not zero-sum
- The evolution of trust | Nicky Case
- YouTube:
37 - Why is this number everywhere? Veritasium
- Asking people to pick random number is easy to land on 3, 7, 37, 73
- Being odd, prime, with 3 and 7 makes it "more random"
- Blue-seven phenomenon, across all culture humans are not good as making random choice
- Stimulation clicker |
- Cool reflection on addiction