I don't know what to call these.
A collection of stories that people share about their investigations.
- Who made these circles in the Sahara? | Vox
- Seismic survey? Ancient wells? Ancient tombs? Qanat?
- Wifi without internet on a Southwest flight
- Wi-Fi without internet but contains flight data
- HN thread: Ways of people using Wi-Fi without authentication
- HN thread: Ways of people using visualizing flight data with similar API
- Check PySkyWiFi as well in side projects
- What's the touchscreen in my room?
- Poorly designed IoT systems that user gain root access with something called
- The Internet of Unprofitable Things
- Another interesting story of the same company "NetThings" misusing the NTP protocol
- Poorly designed IoT systems that user gain root access with something called
- Thanks FedEx, This is Why we Keep Getting Phished
- Is this a phishing message or is this legit from FedEx?
- Scammers pretend to be legit while FedEx is like they are imitating scammers
- What happens to the coins tossed into Rome's Trevi Fountain? | Reuters The Wider Image
- 1.4 million Euros a year. It goes to charity
- Car allergic to vanilla ice cream
- The Wi-Fi only works when it's raining
- The Time I Build an ROV to Solve Missing Person Cases
- Long, 13 parts blog but very interesting read
- From the learnings at each stage, to planning and investigating, and the story telling is good
- Reverse Engineering TicketMaster's Rotating Barcodes (SafeTix)
- Decoding the barcode to token + 2 TOTPs + timestamp
- Finding the TOTP shared key in the TicketMaster app
- Generating barcode offline as long as the token didn't change
- Reliable Sources: How Wikipedia Admin David Gerard Launders His Grudges into the Public Record
- Using bureaucracy and policies like citing reliable sources to alter public record
- Stories over the year when Gerard leave traces over the Internet
- Wikipedia and maybe the Internet as a whole is insufficient to deal with a motivated bad-faith actor
- Jailbreaking RabbitOS: Uncovering Secret Logs and GPL violations
- Jailbreaking by exploiting the insecure boot chain, subsituting data between verification and use
- Troubleshooting: Terminal Lag
- Finding out why
in WSL is slower than in Fedora - Slow window effects, potential slow profile features, tuning with
- Finding out why
- Debugging An Undebuggable App
- YouTube video
- The iOS app blocks debugger, exits if inject code and crashes the whole phone if running on jailbroken device
- Interesting on how syscall is used to disable debugger, crash the phone, etc.