Paper Plane
Make a paper fly.
- Fold and Fly — Collections of paper planes' designs with type and difficulty labelled
- Origami Ma Paper Airplanes
- 10PaperAirPlanes
YouTube Channel:
- Foldable Flight — A lot of cool designs
- Jayson Merrill — cool looking origami planes
- The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book: The Pioneering Design for the Record-Breaking Distance Plane (2013)
- The Great International Paper Airplane Book (1967)
- YouTube:
Aerodynamics Explained by a World Record Paper Airplane Designer | WIRED
(John Collins)
- Types of paper planes: dart, phoenix, super canard, tube, Suzanne
- Two things that can improve any paper plane: Dihedral angle and up elevators
- Forces: thrust, gravity, drag, lift
- Bernoulli's principle does not apply to aeroplane wings
- Coanda effect: air being vectored down by a curved surface pushes the wing upward
- Wing loading: weight of the plane divided by the area of the wing, the lower means the plane can fly slower
- A stall is either caused by too slow of airspeed or too high an angle of incidence
- Boundary layer effect: air gets stuck to the surface (ball curves)
- Reynolds number: ratio of inertial force to viscous force, high (turbulent), low (laminar)
- Suzanne: turbulent flow at high speed and laminar flow at low speed
- YouTube:
How This Guy Folds and Flies World Record Paper Airplanes | WIRED
- Or this one: How to fold the world record paper plane | ThePaperAirplaneGuy
- John Collins tutorial on how to fold the Suzanne
- YouTube: John Collins, “Paper Airplane Guy”
- John Collins on different kinds of paper planes